Dear Brothers and Sisters:
As I’m sure most of you are aware, AGC/ST Randy Shell underwent surgery in April following ongoing treatment with colon cancer. I am very pleased to report that Brother Shell’s surgery was a success and his recovery process is going well. Please continue to keep Randy and his family in your thoughts and prayers as he continues
to improve. On another note, I am saddened to report that AGC David Starkjohann and his wife Teri were involved in a serious motorcycle accident on June 27th. Brother Starkjohann was rushed to the hospital
with a fractured skull, broken arm, broken shoulder, nine broken ribs, and a punctured lung. He was placed in an induced coma and remained in ICU for two weeks. Dave’s wife Teri was also taken to the hospital with a broken pelvis of which she underwent surgery. I am pleased to report that Teri was released from the hospital and is home recovering. Dave is also doing quite well with physical therapy and is scheduled to be released from the hospital with follow up out-patient therapy. Please continue to keep Dave and Teri in your thoughts and prayers. I would like to thank all of you who offered your assistance to the System Council during this time of misfortune.
As noted in my first quarter report, I appointed Brother Tom Modica of Local 807 and Brother Alex Avila of Local 1911 to fill recent vacancies of the System Council Executive Board. By subsequent referendum vote, the System Council Executive Board unanimously approved the foregoing appointments. We therefore look forward to
working with Brother’s Tom and Alex.
On May 27, 2015, IBEW President Edwin Hill announced his retirement effective June 1, 2015. President Hill served the IBEW for many years in several capacities, of which he became President in 2001. The International Executive Council recently approved the appointment of Sixth-District International Vice President Lonnie
Stephenson as the next IBEW President. We wish to thank President Hill for his many years of service and leadership to the IBEW. We also congratulate and welcome Brother Stephenson with his recent appointment to serve as our new International President.
National Freight Railroad negotiations were held the week of June 10, 2015. As was pointed out in IBEW Rail Director Bill Bohne’s previous correspondence, our coalition reviewed proposed money- saving enhancements to our Health and Welfare plan that were investigated by a joint subcommittee of management and labor negotiating team members. Following lengthy discussions regarding such proposals, the meeting was adjourned with plans to meet again during the last week of July in order to discuss financial issues, such as wages and Health and Welfare costs. I will continue to keep you advised with any updates as they become available to this office.
I was recently notified that Union Pacific and GE have entered into agreements to transition management of the South Morrill, Denver Burnham, and parts of the North Platte locomotive facilities from GE to UPRR management. The transition will occur over several months while UPRR hires and/or promotes to form new management teams for the above locations.
April 2015
* During the week of April 1st, VGC Tortorice and AGC Reynoso assisted Houston Local 1814 with a disciplinary investigation.
* On April 14th, VGC Tortorice and AGC Reynoso assisted Houston Local 1814 with a second disciplinary investigation.
* On April 15th, myself and IAM General Chairman Jim Davis attended a meeting with UPRR Labor Relations and Mechanical department personnel to discuss a notice relating to the use of subcontractors to perform various locomotive PTC installation work. Subsequently, this office officially notified the Carrier that we are opposed to the use contractors and will pursue further action should they proceed.
* On the date of April 16th, I attended a Union Pacific business update meeting for all UPRR General Chairmen.
* During the week of April 21st, VGC Tortorice, AGC Shell, AGC Starkjohann and I attended a UPRR all-craft Mechanical Department meeting together with the various local craft chairmen.
May 2015
* On the date of May 12th, AGC Starkjohann assisted North Platte Local 1920 with a disciplinary investigation at the South Morrill, Nebraska facility.
* On the date of May 13th, VGC Tortorice and I, together with IAM General Chairmen, attended a meeting with UPRR Labor Relations to discuss current LEMT/LMMT agreements, amendments and side letters. No changes to the agreement have been made.
* During the week of May 12th, AGC Starkjohann visited the Cheyenne, Wyoming facility and met with members and officers of Local 775.
June 2015
* On the date of June 2nd, AGC Reynoso and I assisted Houston Local 1814 with a disciplinary investigation.
* During the week of June 2nd, AGc Reynoso and I toured the Houston locomotive facility and met with the Shop Director and officers of Local 1814.
* During the week of June 9th, I attended National Freight Railroad negotiations.
* During the week of June 23rd, AGc Starkjohan attended the IBEW Eleventh District Progress meeting.
* On June 24th, I finalized an agreement with UPRR regarding electronic correspondence relating to disciplinary proceedings. (attached)
* On June 25th, I met with AGC/ST Shell to review the System Council financial reports.
* During the week of June 29th, I met with UPRR Labor Relations to review possible consolidation and update of the various Engineering Department agreements.,
During the second quarter, the System Council staff has continued to process a growing number of disputes up to and including docket for final adjudication. However, at this point the National Mediation Board (NMB) has been extremely slow at funding and approving dates for arbitration. We currently have several dockets consisting of numerous cases each awaiting final approval and funding by the NMB. I will continue to keep thos local unions and claimants informed as we are notified accordingly.
Please find the following attachments for your review and dissemination:
1. Agreement between System Council 2 and UPRR – “Electronic Correspondence-2015” dated June 24, 2015.
2. AFL-CIO Memorandum regarding “National Day of Action – Medicare 2015
3. RRB informational conference 2015.
With best wishes, I remain
Fraternally yours,
Jim Wisniski
General Chairman
cc: IVP’s System Council No. 2
Bill Bohne, Director of Railroads