Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The National Mediation Board recently announced that Linda Puchala
has been selected as the Chairman of the National MediationBoard
(NMB), effective July 1, 2013. Harry Hoglander remains a Member of
the Board with one position still vacant. Ms. Puchala was nominated by
President Obama and confirmed as Member of the NMB by the United
States Senate in May, 2009. Prior to becoming a Member, she served
10 years at the NMB as a Mediator, Sr. Mediator, and the Associate
Director of Alternative Dispute Resolution Services. Ms. Puchala’s prior
labor relations experience includes work as International President of
the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO and staff Director,
Michigan State Employees Association, AFSCME, AFL-CIO.
During the week of June 2, 2013, the System Council staff and I
attended the 2013 System Council No. 2 Quadrennial Convention.
Initially, I would like to thank all the local unions for their attendance and
participation. I would particularly like to recognize the System Council
staff for all their time and hard work which made for a successful and
productive convention. I would also like to thank the local unions for their
support and confidence in re-electing myself and Brother’s Don
Tortorice and Randy Shell to the offices of General Chairman, Vice
Chairman and Secretary Treasurer. Moreover, congratulations to the
following LU delegates who were elected from the floor of the convention
to the System Council No. 2 Executive Board:
Wayne Licastro – Local 214 Chicago, IL
David Starkjohann – Local 618 Omaha, NE
Ronald Lynch – Local 807 Little Rock, AR
Rick Reynoso – Local 889 Los Angeles, CA
Jay Ochoa – Local 1814 Houston, TX
Darin Nearmyer – Local 1832 Kansas City, MO
William Hasty – Local 1829 Shreveport, LA
William Kazak – Local 1911 San Antonio, TX
Bob Norton – Local 1920 North Platte, NE
As a result of recent actions taken by the delegates to the 2013
System Council No. 2 convention, Article III, Section 3 of the System
Council bylaws was amended to include the Vice Chairman and
Secretary Treasurer positions’ as “delegates-at-large” to the System
Council No. 2 convention. Also amended was Article XI, Section 3 which
requires the local shop committee to appeal grievances, together with
statement of facts in written form to the office of the General Chairman.
Due to recent local union elections and changes to officers and
local chairpersons at several locations, I am attaching a local union
officer “update form” (by mail only) to be completed and returned to the System Council office. It is very important that System Council No. 2 be notified of any changes in officers and/or local chairpersons in order that we can continue to correspond appropriately when needed. This form can be returned by US mail, fax or email:
Mail: Jim Wisniski
General Chairman
IBEW System Council 2
8000 Main, Suite A
North Richland Hills, TX 76182
Fax: 817 281-4580
Email: jlwsc-2@sbcglobal.net
April 2013
During the week of April 1st, the System Council staff and I attended
meetings in Omaha to conference claims and grievances with Union Pacific.
On the date of April 5th, the System Council staff, myself, and IBEW
Local Chairmen attended a meeting with Union Pacific Mechanical
Department personnel for the department business overview.
On the date of April 10th, VGC Tortorice accompanied Local 889
Local Chairman Rick Reynoso to a meeting with the local management
at West Colton, CA.
During the week of April 15th, AGC’s Shell and Starkjohann assisted
Shreveport, LA Local 1829 with a disciplinary investigation.
During the week of April 22nd, I attended an all craft Union Leadership
On the date of April 24th, VGC Tortorice and AGC Starkjohann toured the El Paso, Texas, facility and met with the offices and members of Local 726.
On the date of April 25th, the various Shopcraft General Chairman and I met with Union Pacific Labor Relations regarding the standardizing of pay for Mechanics-in-charge (MIC) applicable to the C&NW property CBA.
On the date of April 25th, AGC Shell assisted Shreveport Local 1829 with a disciplinary hearing.
On the date of April 30th, AGC’s Starkjohann and Shell attended a disciplinary hearing with the UPRR Telecom Department in Fort Worth, Texas.
May 2013
Through the month of May, the System Council staff and I continued preparation for the upcoming System Council No. 2 convention.
On the date of May 17th, AGC Shell attended a Railroad Retirement Board conference in Little Rock, AR.
During the week of May 21st, AGC Shell assisted Kansas City Local 1832 with a disciplinary hearing as well as attended their monthly local meeting.
On the date of May 21st, AGC Starkjohann attended a claims conference with Union Pacific, Omaha, NE.
June 2013
During the first week of June, the System Council staff and I attended the Quadrennial Convention of System Council No. 2.
On the date of June 10th, I attended the monthly meeting of Fort Worth Local 942.
On the date of June 13th, AGC’s Starkjohann and Shell attended a disciplinary hearing with the UPRR Telecom Department at Fort Worth.
During the week of June 19th, AGC Starkjohann attended the IBEW 11th District Progress Meeting.
During the week of June 24th, I attended the System Council No. 6 convention.
On June 25th, VGC Tortorice assisted Denver Local 708 with a discipoinary hearing.
Through the second quarter, the System Council staff was busy preparing for the System Council Quadrennial Convention as well as assisting the local unions with daily issues and concerns and on-going claims and discipline appeals. We are currently finalizing a case docket for the anticipated arbitration date with Union Pacific on September 18, 2013.
Finally, I am attaching a recent OSHA news release regarding the Grand Trunk Railrway who was ordered to compensate back wages to a suspended injured employee who was disciplined as a result of an on-duty injury.
Please find the following attachments for your review and dissemination:
1. RRB Labor Member Barrows letter – RRB-April 2013
2. RRB Labor Member Barrows letter – RRB-May 2013
3. RRB Labor Member Barrows letter – RRB-June 2013
4. RRB Scheduled Informational Conferences – July 1, 2013; see
5. RRB Job Vacancy List – July 1, 2013; see rrb.gov;
6. Local Union Officer/Local Chairman update form – to be
returned to SC2 General Chairman (by mail only);
7. OSHA news release-June 2013
With best wishes, I remain
Fraternally yours,
Jim Wisniski
General Chairman
cc: IVP’s System Council 2
Bill Bohne, Dir of Railroads